First SE Winter/Spring CSA Pickup!
Welcome to the first SE Portland Winter/Spring CSA pickup!
We will have the veggies available for 2 hrs from 5-7pm. If we can spread everyone out evenly over the 2 hour time window then there should be very little waiting in line. We appreciate your help with this!
The CSA is behind my house under the tent. We live on a narrow gravel, road so please park at least a block away and walk if you can. Come into the driveway and follow the path to your right all the way to the back of the house. We will greet you under the tent, and you can check off your name on the clipboard. You will see two lines of tables set up – the veggies are exactly the same on each. Head down one line and fill up your bags market-style. That’s all there is to it!
Laura, Eli, & Abbey will be available to answer any questions.
You’ll need to transfer your veggies from the farm bins into your bags so don’t forget to bring a few bags with you!!