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In our Winter/Spring CSA this week
Hope you had a nice holiday! After so much deliciousness last week, I’m ready for a few salads. Some of my favorites include Raw Shredded Apple & Beet, so many options for the Watermelon Radish, and of course The Nostrana Radicchio Salad (pdf) salad.
We’re excited about the clear and cold weather this week. Part of the reason that winter veggies are so tasty is that when the weather gets chilly, the plants then some of their starch into sugars. This helps protect them from the cold, and also makes them so much sweeter – yum!
By the way, the fruit share this week includes Crimson Crisp Apple, Fuji Apple, Red Ruben Apples & Red Anjou Pears. If you want to join the fruit share starting at the next pickup, sign up today!