In this week’s Winter/Spring CSA
Welcome to the first winter share pickup!
We’re so excited about this winter season!! Lots of delicious greens and roots for roasting – we are very appreciative to live in a climate that allows us to grow such amazing food all year round. Merlot Napa Cabbage (photo above) & Okhura Daikon Radish are unusual, beautiful and delicious additions to the share this week. They would make a colorful salad, okonomiyaki, pickles, or kimchi.
(And if you missed the first pickup, all is not lost: sign up for a prorated CSA share!)
Always want to include a shout out to your harvest crew it requires a hearty group of hearty folks to work through the winter. Those root crops require alot of washing this time of year. Hope you enjoy the tasty – and sparkling clean – veggies this week!!
If you haven’t signed up for Fruit and/or Eggs from our partner farms, there is still time to do that…
The Schedule: The CSA pickups are twice a month, which is mostly every other week except over the winter holidays. Here are the actual dates… 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17, 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, & 4/15. In case you need a refresher, they will always be on the website.