Our SE Portland CSA

Talking veggies at our SE CSA pickup: 47th Avenue Farm, Portland Oregon (photo © Matt Giraud)
For close to three decades, CSA shareholders have been dropping by SE 47th Avenue in Portland’s Woodstock neighborhood to pick up veggies, trade recipes, and meet their farmer. We’re honored to be one of the first urban-focused farms in the city, so while we outgrew this tiny lot long ago, it warms our hearts that it continues the tradition as a convenient pick-up spot for our shareholders.

Getting fresh, delicious and sustainably farmed vegetables from us through the summer and fall is easy (and delicious), and we have options to suit a range of budgets and appetites.

  1. Join us at the beginning of the season as a CSA farm share member (best value);
  2. If the previous season’s still active, become a CSA farm share member on a prorated basis.
  3. Or try our CSA Sampler: It’s the same veggies our Half Share CSA members pick up, but just a single pickup. It’s a great way to dip your toe in the CSA community before joining, add some more veggies to your regular CSA share for special occasions, or just to get yourself a bag of delicious produce.

Whichever you choose, you’ll stop by once a week through the summer growing season (or every other week during the winter share) to fill a bag or more (depending on the share option you’ve chosen) of freshly-picked veggies. A list will tell you how much food to take, and there’s ample opportunity for sampling and socializing.

Share Options

Then, simply figure out which share size works best for you…

  • Family (whole) Share – Every household is different, but in our experience, this share will provide most of the vegetables needed to feed a family of four.
  • Regular (half) Share – This is for smaller households and works really nicely for two discerning eaters.

… and then simply add it to your basket and check out securely. Then get ready for amazing veggies. We hope you can join us!


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