Vote Laura Masterson for EMSWCD, Zone 2
If you share my desire to improve EQUITY, mitigate CLIMATE CHANGE, and advocate for SUSTAINABLE AG please vote for me!!
Laura Masterson for EMSWCD Zone 2 position for 2021-2024
I’m also endorsing…
Rick Till for EMSWCD At Large Position 1
Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky for EMSWCD At Large Position 2
I’m excited to be running again for the Board of Directors at East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District (EMSWCD). This is a unit of local government serving Northwest Oregon’s Multnomah County east of the Willamette River. We work entirely on a voluntary, non-regulatory basis. All of our work is geared toward keeping water clean, conserving water and keeping soil healthy.
Historically, the Soil & Water Conservation Districts were formed after the dust bowl in the 1930’s with the mission of protecting and improving soil and water resources across the country. I got involved with EMSWCD in 2007. At the time, they were one of the few organizations working at the intersection of the two things I am most passionate about – farming and conservation.
I started my organic farm business, the 47th Ave Farm, in 1996 & have always been a strong advocate to improve soil & water quality. Over the past 24 yrs I’ve served on the State Board of Ag, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board & other government, business & non-profit boards to help shape a healthier future for the region.
Clean water & quality soil are key to organic farming. Here at the 47th Ave Farm, we use cover crops, hedgerows, crop rotation & draft horses enhance habitat, improve soil health & protect water quality. On the ODA board, I chaired the Land Use Committee & worked on farmland conservation issues around the state.
Some key accomplishments during my tenure at EMSWCD – planting over 400,000 natives with StreamCare & starting Headwaters Incubator Farm to train the next generation of sustainable farmers. I’ve spent my most recent term focused on equity & diversity to improve the District’s ability to serve historically disadvantaged communities. This term at the District, I plan to continue to continue our work on sustainable farming & watershed restoration. This historical work is extremely important, and changes may be needed to address two critical issues: Racial Equity & Climate Change.
If re-elected, I have two main goals for my upcoming term…
- Review all the programs at EMSWCD through an equity lens. Oregon’s history of legislating black exclusion laws and supporting white supremacist groups has significantly impacted the ability of BIPOC groups to access farmland. I also believe strongly that all the programs can be improved to better serve historically disadvantaged groups in the District.
- Review all programs at EMSWCD to improve our ability to mitigate Climate Change. The riparian restoration work done during my tenure has been incredible, and shading streams to reduce erosion & lower water temperature will continue to be critical work. In addition, I think we have the opportunity to be even more strategic and focus resources on other important aspects of climate change including carbon sequestration & fire prevention.
Thank you for your support!!