In Your Share (Nov 4th edition)

Welcome to the first winter share of the season! It has been cold and clear the last week or so and those low temps make for even sweeter veggies during the winter. We think you’ll agree that everything from carrots to collards taste better this time of year : )

You’ll find recipes for sweet winter carrots, collard greens and the rest of the veggies in your share at Cook With What You Have. If you’re a CSA member, you will find your NEW WINTER Access Key in the most recent farm email. Enjoy 24/7 access to recipe inspiration!

We still have a few spots available in the upcoming Winter CSA so feel free to let your friends know they can still get in on the bounty – it starts in two weeks!

This week your share may include…

  • Sweet Winter Carrots: Yum!
  • Garlic: Almost every dinner at our house starts with some sautéed garlic : )
  • Celery Root: I’m a big fan of this gnarly root. I love the subtle, nutty celery flavor and the versatility. It’s great in stuffing or soup and makes one of my favorite winter salads – celery root remoulade.
  • Collard Greens: These make a tasty raw salad and also cook down beautifully. If you’re looking for inspiration there are 17 different recipes at CookWithWhatYouHave.
  • Fennel: When the bulbs are sliced raw into salads the fresh anise flavor stands out. The longer the bulbs are cooked, the more subtle the flavor becomes. Try them sautéd with onions and greens or make this Soffrito.
  • Escarole: I had fun last weekend at the annual Chicory Sagra in Seattle. Was great to be with such an enthusiastic group of farmers & chefs celebrating the grown up flavors of Italian greens. Escarole is one of the “gateway greens” since it is relatively mild and sweet compared to some other chicory cousins.  The ruffled leaves form a dense head. It can be used in salad or sautéed. Many cultures, including the Italians, cook beans & greens together. It is one of my favorite combos and you could use your escarole, carrots and garlic in this recipe: Zuppa di Scarola e Fagioli.
  • Onions: A mix this week – red, white and yellow.
  • Potatoes: Not all purple potatoes are created equal. Some varieties seem to be bred just for the striking color and don’t have good flavor. Happily the Harvest Moon has it all – pretty purple on the outside and yummy yellow on the inside. Makes a great boiled, roasted or mashed potato.
  • Winter Squash: The delicious Sweet Reba Acorn is a great size for roasting or stuffing. Cut in half they make a nice serving size squash.

Coming soon… Thanksgiving CSA bounty coming up in two weeks!!